Nollvision cancer utbyter kunskap och samarbetar med andra länder som också arbetar för att förbättra cancervården.

29 juni 2021: Knowledge and experience exchange with Sweden: Early detection of lung cancer in never-smokers Följ länk

Lung cancer in never-smokers is a global rising concern. Vision Zero Cancer invited participants ranging from current leading researchers in the field and clinicians to patient representatives and the medical industry to share experience and discoveries on how to develop an effective preventive strategy and opportunities for screening.

26 maj 2021: Estonia-Sweden workshop on cancer – improving health outcomes through innovation and collaboration Följ länk

The aim of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan is to tackle the entire disease pathway. Over the coming years, it will focus on research and innovation, tap into the potential that digitalisation and new technologies offer, and mobilise financial instruments to support Member States. With its policy objectives, supported by ten flagship initiatives and multiple supporting actions, the Cancer Plan will help Member States turn the tide against cancer. Sweden and Estonia have decided to join forces in this endeavour.

27 april 2021: Sweden-Russia experience exchange on lung cancer – accelerating innovation to improve survival and quality of life for people with lung cancer Följ länk

Around 60 experts gathered during the virtual experience exchange between Sweden and Russia as part of a collaboration between the Association of Oncologists of Russia and Vision Zero cancer, aided by Business Sweden and the Embassy of Sweden to the Russian Federation.

11 december 2020: Lösningar i fokus på Sweden-India Health Talks 2020 Följ länk

Hur stärker vi cancervården och gör den mer motståndskraftig, särskilt i ljuset av de utmaningar som covid-19 ställt oss inför? Det diskuterades i ett rundabordssamtal under Sweden–India Health Talks 2020 den 11 december. Nollvision cancers Ebba Hallersjö Hult deltog, tillsammans med Karin Elinder från Cancerfonden.

25 september 2020: Lungcancerscreening – vad är framgångsfaktorerna i Storbritannien? Följ länk

Livmoderhalscancer, kolorektalcancer och bröstcancer är exempel på cancerformer som ofta upptäcks tidigt genom screening. Det räddar flera hundra liv varje år. Kan screening fungera för lungcancer? Storbritannien har testat. För att lära oss av deras projekt, resultat och tankar möttes vi i ett digitalt samtal.