Under våren gör två studenter praktik hos oss. Ala Abdallah och Martina Puricelli studerar masterprogrammet i bioentreprenörskap vid Karolinska Institutet.
Här berättar de mer om sin praktik:

–      The goal of our project is to conduct research and analysis on business models for Vision Zero Cancer. The goal is to provide Vision Zero Cancer with a sustainable business model for long-term commitment from cancer stakeholders. By shifting to precision medicine, Vision Zero Cancer aims to change the way healthcare screens, prevents, and treats cancer, specifically lung cancer. The Swedish healthcare system will benefit from Vision Zero Cancer’s work by improving the patient journey for lung cancer now and in the future.

–      Being an intern at Vision Zero Cancer is an exciting and empowering experience for us. We will have the opportunity to meet partners from various sectors of society. We witnessed the complexity and beauty of the healthcare system, as well as what is required to bring all partners together in a mission-driven environment such as Vision Zero Cancer. We are seeing how this new model of public-private partnership can bring together all healthcare stakeholders in a neutral setting to efficiently improve things.

–      During our studies, including our internship at Vision Zero Cancer, we discovered that there is much to be done in the field of market access to bring innovative treatments, such as precision medicines, to patients as soon as possible. Areas such as health economic and technology assessments, as well as pricing models that fit the profiles of new treatments, are interesting to work with in this field. Working with policy creation in the health system and the impact that has on human health is also a rewarding experience. We hope to contribute more to these fields once we finish our studies.